Flying under the radar in the local dance music scene as one of Bellingham's hidden talents, relishing in the freedom that anonymity allows for creating one's own pace, DJ Con'fuschia has been laying down vinyl for decades, carving out a diverse yet highly curated collection of sounds. I initially became aware of Ms. Walton's mixes through a mutual friend while the two of us were working at a record store in Bellingham. He built a reputation to precede her, and when I finally got to help her develop a program for KZAX, was immediately blown away by the precision with which she mixes. And although I've been excited to feature her mixes on Peace Portal, she is far from bound to the dance music format, and has programmed a genre-bending array of music aboard our mothership, KZAX FM, and beyond.
Where did the journey for DJing begin for you?
Haha, making mixes tapes in the 80's for my aerobic class.
What brought you to the Pacific Northwest, and whats different here than in San Diego and other dance music communities?
A trip to Vancouver BC made me fall in love with the Pacific Northwest and I moved to Bellingham sight unseen. The difference? Other dance music communities exist. Ours has only just begun. When I got here in 2005, good dance music was rare. the only night I was aware of that DJ’s actually mixed dance music on a quality sound system were the nights that Felix & Chris did at Rumours (DJ Shortwave & Postal).
How has the culture of dance music changed over the years?
In my opinion, people just don't get down like they used to, and they glorify the DJ instead of dancing. I feel like we try too hard to be ‘cool’ most of the time instead of just closing our eyes and listening to the music, and letting that carry us away.
How has the shift from analog to digital influenced that change?
Well, first off, it feels like music is almost disposable when we get it digitally. We listen to it a couple of times and then move on to the next thing. I think we over-consume it personally, and that we could all use a little more silence. On the other hand, all this access has democratized it somewhat. Everyone can get everything now, instead of certain DJs getting secret tracks. But oh, the lovely artwork that is lost; that thing you hold in your hand that matters to you, and you keep for 20 years and still appreciate. Regarding digital - personally, I don't think the human ear is designed to listen to pixelated, digital music. I feel that our ear wants to receive sound waves, but digital music is more accessible and affordable and certainly easier to lug around.
What role does dance music play in your day-to-day life? Your experiences with activism? Your relationships on and off the dance floor?
Depends on the day. Some days none. Other days its my escape, my passion. My experiences with activism? MUCH. My relationships? MANY
What role do you think dance music is playing in our changing world?
I think it's coming full circle again and so many of the younger artists have grown and are creating some wonderful and refreshing new sounds. There always seems to be an ebb and flow. I feel we're flowing again. As always, the music brings people together.
What roll will it play in a post-COVID world?
I can't wait to see...! And I can't wait to dance and let loose with friends like never before! I hope shit gets crazy!
Tell us about your mix
Just a little techno jam session that I though you would like.
For more from DJ Con'fuschia follow her on Facebook:
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