Bio: Tyler Stratman is a "hypno-music" artist of Pacific Northwest. Tyler is very passionate for mystery and the plants of our world. "Collecting these interests into a musical form has been a crazy journey of self-discovery, which assumedly perpetuates into my own eventual death. these things all have imprints in the world of Sound, and it is inside of this world that I choose to express myself, to live, to practice, and to exalt, with only love for what I’ve found to be real."After going through a lot of technical difficulties to record this mix, and finally recording it on an unfamiliar set of equipment, this installment of Peace Portal comes straight from the heart of our featured artist. Prepare to go in deep tonight as we step thru to the other side.
What have you been up to?
I’ve been doing a lot of things with plants, and have started a small D.i.Y project of minimal/independent electronic music called “Random Arts Deformed” or R.A.D records. We host artists of all kinds for intimate mixes and collaboration and idea sharing, so that has been a really cool ride. I’m in a very unconventional but gorgeous living situation in the woods currently, and that is where most of my recording is taking place. I just got back from that Skyline Divide hike yesterday (which is totally passable, just a bit of snow at the top still), up in the mountains, and I am really feeling excited about things, so this recording hopefully captures some of that power, even though its not necessarily “mountain music”, ha.
Tell us a bit about the mix!
It's something full of freaky love. ~Really I just hope you have good fun and try some dancing a little. I wanted to use songs that I could also experience whilst being in a peace portal...Which is kind of funny...So there are some funny feelings I wanted to hang onto here.
Where are you at when you’re not behind the decks?
Oh, you know, sniffing around parks+forests, smelling around flowers, feeling the rhythm of life. trying to indulge in mystery as much as possible, hey! i spend part of my time abroad or on the Orcas Island, and the other part here in Whatcom County. either way, I am always in search of beauty baby.
What are you listening to when you’re not in the mix?
my heart, my loves, and my own relentless stream of scrambled thoughts i guess! along with bodily functions, the Nature, and things that make me Feel. right now, there are fireworks in the distance i can hear over the lake… must be a real party! i can feel the fireworks in my chest.
What are you up to next?
Making a trip over the ocean into Europe come August, where i intend to fill an entire bag with little seeds of inspiration, to grow upon my return! I’ve got a podcast series that is just starting up called “fleeting worlds", and am working with some fellows in the Iceland and Germany on musical love-children as well. Really I am just going to go have a choice smoke under an alder tree and maybe see some ducks.
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